Wednesday, February 20, 2008

more pictures

I'm trying to organize my photos by month. Check them out here.


More Fun Things about Thailand

1) Sometimes, your co-teacher thinks that your image is worthy of a keychain. Then she decides to sell the keychains to your students, who actually buy them, and makes almost 1000 baht doing so. I'm thinking I really need to start a "Take Your Picture with Aj. Kirsten" side business.

2) Tomorrow is Makha Bucha day. What is Makha Bucha Day, you ask? Beats the hell out of me. All I know is I get the day off.

3) Next week is my last week of teaching. That means I have spent 8 3/4 months as a teacher. Anyone know when that all happened? The way things are shaping up right now, I'll probably spend most of March in Laos with my roommate, and then I'll be back in Nan March 28-April 11 to teach a summer conversation course. Then...?

4) I guess this doesn't really count as new, but I'm still a big fan of the kids' nicknames, especially when I'm grading 180 of the same worksheet and stumble across this gem.