Saturday, January 15, 2011

Favorite Pictures I've Never Shared - Elephant Edition

Elephant Nature Park, Chiang Mai, Thailand, October 2009

AV and KR: Will you please take a picture of us with the baby elephant?
Nice lady who worked at Elephant Nature Park: Yes, but be careful. If you get too close to the baby, the mother might attack you. So don't get too close to the baby, and if you see the mother coming near you, move away.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Few Things

1. I'm kind of sad that by writing this post, my story about the naked guy and the chicken suit will no longer be at the top of my blog.

2. I'm definitely going to lie and say #1 is the reason I didn't write one single blog post in 2010...oops.

3. On a trip to San Francisco in December, it was decided that I should now be referred to as Ruchu$. Expect my hit single about substituting hard alcohol for a toiletry to drop later this year.

4. Forbes family Christmas party, as sponsored by Mr. Soros:

How would one go about buying a photo booth?

5. I'm writing this post from my new address on W. 64th St, NYC.*
*Address withheld in the event that one of the less stable fans of a certain bespectacled chalkboard enthusiast Googles (Bings?) my employer and somehow stumbles across my blog. Available upon request.